Aloe Vera Gel & Glycerin Moisturizer
a couple of monthz ago while i waz surfing the hair sitez, i stumbled upon thiz recipe 2 keep ur hair of course being the person that i am, i had 2 try it...ill try n e thing once, maybe twice....the ingredientz were 100% aloe vera gel & glycerin mixed 2gether n a spray bottle...thatz it, nuthin else...some folkz choose 2 use aloe vera juice & distilled H20 & some even use the juice with glycerin...i havent tried neither, nor do i care 2....i think due 2 the fact that the juice iz pretty much the equivalent of H20, it will eventually evaporate & u will have 2 continuously spritz ur hair all day...i dont have that kind of time...there 4 i opt 2 use the gel...initially i bought my *Lily of the Desert* aloe vera gel from the vitamin shoppe, & got fabulouz iz moisturized the whole day...doesnt dry out, @ all...but since then ive switched 2 the *Fruit of the Earth* brand from walmart...what ive discovered tho iz that due 2 the consistency of the walmart brand being a tad bit thicker, u have 2 actually dilute the mixture with a lil H20...thiz did not sit well with me @ all...after thiz bottle, i will b going back 2 the vitamin shoppe brand...that way i wont have 2 add n e thing xtra 2 my mix...just spritz once daily, & im good 4 the whole day!!!