Mega Tek
so 2day i officially decided 2 start using Mega Tek....after spending all day yesterday on variouz hair boardz & doing my research, ive finally decided 2 jump on the bandwagon....luckily 4 me, i waz able 2 find a local equestrian store by my house that i could go & pick up the goodz instead of having 2 order it online...i absolutely h8 having 2 wait 4 my shit 2 come n the mail...i want my stuff when i want it...not dayz & weekz l8r...2 hell with that...@ n e rate, i also picked up some more garlic gel capz 2 combat the supposed shedding that may b involved from using the product...i also picked up some sea salt 2 add 2 my condishez...i stole the recipe off of 1 of the hair boardz also...i had been hearing about doing thiz, but i neva tried im gonna indulge myself & c wat thatz all about....i got my mega tek 4 $ garlic tabz were 2 4 $5.94 @ walmart....i also got my sea salt @ walmart 27ozs 4 $1.88....ill post my starting picz n a day or so...until then, ill holllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
14 hair-a-maniacz added their 2 centz:
u on ya j-o-b!!!
sounds good. I would love to hear an update on the megatek when u use it for a month. thanks :)
@sunshyne...u already
@jenn...i surely will keep u all posted on my resultz....itz wat i
I can't wait to see what the megatek does for you...I've been wanting to try it also. I won't be buying any more porducts until next year so I'm using hwat I have right now. I know u'll keep us updated!! What's the sea salt supposed to do?
supposed 2 add it 2 ur condishez & wat not....makez the hair really soft....i posted the recipe n the group & so far a few ladiez have used it with good resultz...
Good Luck with it. I use it daily and have done for about 8 months now. Loving this stuff it works and it's a definite staple of mine.
@london...ur just confirming wat ive been hearing that it im glad 2 hear that u also have had great progrezz with it....
I relaxed 3 weeks ago, am a typical slooooooow grower and can already feel 0.5 - 0.75 inch of new growth up in here. I guess I'm going through that MT growth spurt again. It comes in waves so expect it to slow down and then speed up again some months later, but if it agrees with you hang on in there if you can.
Here's my update on it as you can see the first 2 months were the quickest then it slowed down some yet continued to grow and thicken up. Now it's on a spurt again.
wow@london...thx 4 the tipz...imma definitely check ur blog out 2 c the resultz..hope i have some good onez
where is the place that you purchased the mega tek from?
@ siren, i dont recall the name of it & now that ive moved out of that dam dreaded azz state, i really dont remember...u can just google local tack & feed storez or equestrian storez n ur area...also amazon & some more distributorz sell it az well...good luck..
I can't wait to read your update. Hope it's going well!
good luck, i'll be checking back for updates, I just decided to start using this consistently myself, Happy Hair Growing!
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