Saturday, December 20, 2008

Optimum Oil Therapy 3 in 1 Creme Oil Moisturizer

What They Say
Complete hair regimen that can be used day and night
Replenishes essential oils and prevents breakage
Protects against heat damage
Contains Coconut, Olive, Avocado and Jojoba oils
Featuring Micro-Oil Technology.
With no greasy build-up.

Finally all the benefits of oil without the greasy build-up! Micro-Oil technology penetrates hair with micro-beads of natural therapeutic oils to nourish, repair, strengthen and protect hair without greasy buildup. Provides essential oils for moisture and shine. Protects hair from blow-drying and heat styling and helps to prevent dryness and breakage.

What I Say
it basically did the job that i needed it 2 do....i picked thiz 9.7oz bottle up @ walmart 4 $4.12 out in texas when i waz on the road last hair waz looking a hot azz mess bcuz i had accidently packed up my wave nouveau moisturizing lotion...& bcuz i waz applying my mega tek daily throughout the trip, my hair waz drying out alot faster than we had 2 make a dam pit stop so i could get some moisturization going on back n2 my thiz iz 1 of the productz i chose...would i buy thiz again?...probably not, bcuz itz not az moisturizing az the other moisturizerz that i use....but if ur n an emergency type situation, it will definitely serve the purpose.

11 hair-a-maniacz added their 2 centz:

laughing808 December 21, 2008 at 8:19 AM  

here we go again......I love this stuff. It is one of my favorite moisturizers. I can't use it too often though, becuase it does weigh my hair down some.

2BOSSAY December 21, 2008 at 8:29 AM  

yea it waz okee 4 my *emergency* situation...but it did kinda leave my hair feeling a tad bit dry afterwardz...i dont kno, it could b the other moisturizer that i used

Anonymous,  February 14, 2009 at 7:55 AM  

i think the product is awesome. i leave it in over night and the comb through my hair so it wont be hard. it is great. just dont use alot or it will weigh ur hair down.

No-Spam By 2012 February 10, 2010 at 7:22 AM  
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No-Spam By 2012 February 10, 2010 at 7:25 AM  

this one is heavy so dont use too much i only use it as a blow dry lotion, the dry hair healer is a bit more lighter which i use as every day moisturiser.

But to be honest i dont know why i wouild use one rather than the other, i think this one is a bit too heavy to use everyday and would weigh it down which is why i use the dry hair healer for this.

The equivalent in the RED colour tub range i feel is better on my hair, its not as oily compared to the dry hair healer.

but to be honest i'd like to try something else that is a bit lighter than both of these.

any ideas?

Anonymous,  March 3, 2010 at 2:41 AM  

Hello. And Bye.

Anonymous,  March 3, 2010 at 9:28 AM  

hello and bye what?

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