My Moe Grow Mix
while perusing the LHCF board i ran acrozz thiz recipe 2 restore hair growth...apparently a few of the women on the board had experienced hair loss & claimed that thiz recipe, or rather their variation of it, had showed some promising resultz....the reason i waz interested n it iz bcuz thiz past may, my son had began 2lose some hair n the center of hiz head...the 2 bald spotz were about the size of me being a nurse & knowing good & dam well that doctorz are highly overpaid 4 doing absolutely nothing, figured i could rectify the situation & keep my coinz 4 seeing some worthlezz doc, n my pocket....i pretty much think he haz some form of alopecia, but wat do i kno? just a lowly azz RN rite? n e rate, i created my own variation of moe grow concoction basically consistz of: horsetail, nettle, jojoba oil, peppermint & rosemary oilz....i use about 30 dropz of each, but itz totally up 2 u....i got everything i needed from the vitaminshoppe....mixed it up n a lil applicator bottle from walmart & i have him putting that on hiz hair @ least 3 timez a he hasnt really been consistent with it, otherwise im sure ALL of hiz hair wouldve grown back n by now....but um, hiz hair iz & haz been growing im convinced that it definitely workz...ive also been having him apply pine tar 2 the area in conjunction with the moe grow....believe me when i say that the pine tar shit stinkzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....he hatez it, but if u want hair there then u gotta do wat u gotta do....n e wayz, just wanted 2 share thiz recipe with n e body who may b experiencing hair lozz or something similar...
7 hair-a-maniacz added their 2 centz:
Some ppl are just so ignorant...that comment I just made is for the PREVIOUS blogger. ANYHOO..Bossay, thanks for posting that info about the mix. I'll pass it along to anyone I know that may need the info :o) Keep doin ya thang..and BTW..I lovvvvee the ZZZZZzzzZZZ's! LOL
uhhhh....hey Bossay..1st comment caught me off guard. anywho, im just gonna ignore that and move on.
when did you start using this mix for your son? are you gonna use this?
um charmaine, ignorance iz definitely bliss around these i havent used it on myself although i probably should put some of it on my ever thinning edgez...i started using thiz around august or september...i think it waz august cuz thatz when he started back 2 4 a few monthz, thatz not bad...if he had of been more consistent with it, im sure it woulda been grown back n by now..
This mix definitely sounds interesting. I believe my mother could use this.
ya deja...u should have her try son haz definitely seen some resultz from thiz but he'z just not consistent with it...makez me mad...
Hi! I was wondering if the moe grow solution worked for your son.I started using the concoction this past Saturday?
It agree, this amusing opinion
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